برنامج الأيورفيدا الطبي لانقطاع الطمث

تخلصي من الأعراض وحوّلي فترة انقطاع طمثك لمصدر قوة وسعادة داخلية

  • Doctor-Prescribed

    and supervised menopause management program and herbs

  • Holistic Diagnosis

    of your physical, mental and emotional wellness and daily lifestyle

  • Custom-Designed

    holistic menopause management plan based on natural healing needs of your body and mind

  • Nourishing & Balancing Herbs

    receive 100% natural Ayurvedic herbs and supplements by mail every 3 months to manage your symptoms

  • Food Lists & Recipe Book

    items to favor or avoid, tailored recipes and herbal remedies to manage your inner environment

  • Ayurvedic Rituals

    step-by-step guides on morning body activation + self detox + emotional handling + hormonal balancing techniques

  • Video Tutorials

    gentle yoga or chair yoga + breathwork + guided meditations

  • Continuous Support

    follow up consultations with your physician and Ayurveda coach + Whatsapp support

All you need for a plan that works.

Professional guidance, Ayurvedic superherbs, and ancient time-tested methods to manage your symptoms and replenish body fluids through your everyday diet and lifestyle


Menopause Management Program Overview

Ayurveda's Perspective on Menopause

  • Menopause, a natural stage for all women, is characterized by an imbalance in fire energy (Pitta dosha – hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, mental irritation, irregular periods, others) as well as air energy (Vata dosha – vaginal and inner body dryness, stress, osteoporosis, thinning of hair, others), and sometimes water energy (weight gain, hair growth, others) causing most of the adverse negative symptoms you go through for an extended period of time

  • Ayurveda views menopause as a period of transition that can be entirely managed to minimize and limit its negative implications

  • Proper balance of your inner energies can be achieved using a combination of compatible natural food items, selfcare practices and home remedies as well as specialty hormonal balancing Ayurvedic herbs and detoxifying herbal formulations

  • Proper management of your menopause transition period allows you to enjoy a healthy and strong body and mind to gracefully enter your old age stage

  • By proper diagnosis and analysis of your daily food and lifestyle to determine the type and scope of your imbalances and their root causes, a holistic natural healing plan incorporating natural Ayurvedic herbs and daily selfcare techniques can be gradually introduced to your everyday living to maintain balance and harmony in your inner energies, and thus reduce and arrest all adverse effects of your menopause transition period

Common Reasons for Menopausal Symptoms


  • Eating food items that are not compatible with your body type, thus leading to further imbalance and adverse effects. These include certain vegetables, fruits, grains and other food items
  • Not incorporating natural hormonal balancing herbs, foods, and drinks as part of your daily diet
  • Not incorporating enough natural moisturizing liquids and good fats in your daily food to keep your inner body moist and reduce dryness
  • Irregular daily meal structure and timings that are not aligned with your circadian rhythm


  • Daily habits and activities that further increase your inner imbalance, from skin products that you usually use to style of your social engagements and cooking to preferred spa treatments
  • Improper sleeping cycle (not aligned with circadian rhythm) and oversleeping
  • Absence of constant moisturizing and lubrication selfcare practices
  • Absence of menopause-specific selfcare practices throughout the transition period
  • Sedentary lifestyle: not enough movement in your everyday living
  • An exercise style that does not align with your nature
  • Higher levels of toxins with insufficient daily detox activities
  • Inadequate management and channeling of stress and emotional distress as they arise
  • Inadequate social, family, environmental, and community support

Holistic Natural Healing Plan

All contents of your doctor-prescribed holistic natural healing plan are 100% personalized based on your Ayurvedic mind-body, current lifestyle, holistic wellness, and natural healing needs.

  • Professional assessment of your Ayurvedic mind-body type, natural tendencies and current inner energy imbalance structure
  • How did we get here? Analysis of your current diet and lifestyle and their implications on your holistic symptoms
  • 100% natural Ayurvedic herbs and supplements for the duration of your program
    Daily meal and snack structure and ideal timings
  • Food item lists to favor and include more of in your daily diet, and others to minimize and avoid
  • 1-month recipe book with meals, snacks, soups, and juices to manage your inner imbalances and provide proper nourishment to exhausted cells
  • Recipes for simple Ayurvedic herbal home remedies
  • Sleep cycle recommendations and natural evening sleep aid routine
  • Morning self-detox, body activation, metabolism-boosting rituals
  • Ancient, time-tested self-detoxification and rejuvenation techniques
  • Preferred exercise style(s), duration, frequency, and timing during the day
  • Specialized natural daily, weekly and periodic selfcare activities to introduce
  • Cooking, meal prep, and eating recommendations
  • Access to tutorial videos on recommended breathing, gentle yoga (or chair yoga) and meditation techniques

Who is this for

  • All women starting or going through menopause, with or without apparent symptoms

What's in your package

  • Doctor's pre-analysis of your submitted online health form prior to your first consultation, including any health or medical reports, blood tests…etc (if any, optional)

  • Holistic Ayurveda Doctor Consultation: 60-minute online video diagnosis consultation with a specialized Ayurveda physician in Kerala, India (the home of Ayurveda globally) and one of our Ayurveda professionals

  • Holistic Natural Healing Plan (email): to follow for the duration of your program and after

  • Ayurvedic Herbs: receive a package every 3 months with 3-months’ supply of natural Ayurvedic herbal medicines and supplements from India to manage your symptoms and nourish your tissues as prescribed by your doctor (please read our shipping policy prior to submitting your order)

  • Follow Up & Support: monthly 30-minutes online consultation with your doctor and coach to monitor your progress and evolve your healing according to body responsiveness + Whatsapp support
Experience the power of ancient ayurvedic herbs and healing for yourself

How it Works

  • BOOK

    Order program, submit health form, and choose a convenient time slot

  • Attend

    Attend your program design consultation with your Ayurveda doctor


    Receive your natural healing plan and an Ayurvedic herbal box every 3 months


    Implement recommendations and attend monthly follow up doctor consultations

Success Stories

My hot flashes and sweaty nights are gone completely

Fadwa, Palestine

My inner calmness and clarity is restored. It feels like the storm has passed and is over!

Janin, Jordan

My symptoms have subsided by eating the right foods and taking the herbal supplements as prescribed by my doctor and I feel vibrating with energy

Dahlia, USA

No more dryness, no more mood swings, and it is like I am becoming stronger and at more ease with myself everyday!

Suzanne, Saudi Arabia

My family feel the effects more than I do thanks to my stable emotions

Khawla, Egypt

The recipes are delicious and provide the right nourishment and moisturization to my body tissue. I feel better in everyway!

Marina, Portugal
Book your program today and embrace your nature for a smooth menopause and transition, the natural way


Do you ship the herbal package to my home address?

Yes, through mail forwarding service courier companies only.

Please review our shipping policy for our international shipping details.

I don’t know which duration to choose?
  • 3 Months Program: if it is a new and minor discomfort and you would like to try Ayurvedic herbs and healing to overcome it.

  • 6, 9 Months & 12 Month Programs: if it is a problem and you require more time and continued professional support to address.
Why do I have to do an initial diagnosis consultation to start the program?

Your program is 100% personalized based on your natural Ayurvedic mind-body type, symptoms, and natural inner balance and healing needs.

The initial consultation allows the doctor to better understand your specific health and lifestyle situation and design a natural healing plan accordingly, including choice of prescribed herbs, preferred foods, daily rituals, among other recommendations.

We never prescribe the same program for 2 people, ever.

How long does it take to feel the results?

Response time and magnitude are different from one person to another – some may feel benefits instantly while others may take some time.

This is due to a variety of reasons including your unique natural mind-body type, inner energy imbalances, body responsiveness to herbs, degree of commitment, lifestyle and environmental circumstances, among other considerations.

What are the side effects of Ayurvedic herbs?

Your doctor will take into consideration your current health situation and any medications you are taking when prescribing your herbs, and will notify you of any potential side effects to discuss with your physician if necessary.

All Ayurvedic herbs and medicines are 100% natural and typically have side benefits rather than negative effects.

Why did the doctor prescribe selfcare activities and remedies for other symptoms?

Natural healing follows a holistic approach, whereby different physical, mental, and emotional symptoms are due to interconnected root causes.

Curing your symptoms and advancing your wellness requires approaching your holistic wellbeing altogether, not just apparent discomforts that you see or feel.

Expect your doctor to prescribe methods to heal various symptoms in your body and mind, not just your program's main focus.

I have done an Ayurvedic consultation with you before. Can I order the herbs and follow up consultations on my own?

You can order herbs from our online store.

If you do not find your prescribed herbs, kindly email us at info@vedaselfcare.com

You can book follow up consultations here if you have done the Holistic Ayurveda Doctor Consultation with us.

I have just completed my 3-months program and would like to continue. How can I do this?

You will have to order your herbs and follow up consultations manually.

You can order herbs from our online store.

If you do not find your prescribed herbs, kindly email us at info@vedaselfcare.com

You can book follow up consultations here.

I have done an Ayurvedic diagnosis elsewhere. Can I join the program without a diagnosis consultation?


Your program's steps and herbs are 100% personalized based on a variety of factors (unique mind-body type, energy imbalance structure, inter-connected symptoms…) which your physician will determine during your initial online diagnosis consultation.

Can I have my partner or friend follow the same recommendations?


Even though both of you may have similar symptoms, each of you has a distinct natural mind-body type, inner energy imbalance structure, and natural healing needs that require different sets of healing herbs and selfcare activities.

No two people are prescribed the same Ayurvedic healing approach to the same problem.

I have a busy family/work schedule – will I be able to apply doctor’s recommendations?

Your doctor will prescribe applications that best address the natural needs of your inner balancing and healing while taking into consideration your specific daily lifestyle and environment.

The more you are able to apply prescribed recommendations, the more benefits and results you will see.

Am I expected to give up everything that I like to eat and do?

Natural healing requires restoring the body and mind to their inherent nature through natural everyday applications.

You cannot expect to heal naturally if you insist on continuing your unnatural ways of living that are the main cause of most your problems.

This is why natural healing is the process of gradual evolution and alignment that takes time as opposed to a strict, time-limited program or quick fix pills.