Medical Ayurvedic Detox Program

28-Day Ayurvedic Detox & Rejuvenation Program

Innovative holistic detox and rejuvenation programs for you to purify and reset at home

  • Holistic Diagnosis

    professional medical assessment and lifestyle analysis

  • Doctor-Prescribed

    detox and rejuvenation program and herbs based on your natural Ayurvedic mind-body type

  • Custom-Designed

    holistic detox plan to follow based on your detox needs

  • Ayurvedic Detox Kit

    receive 100% natural detox superherbs and accessories by mail

  • Detox Coaching

    personal coaching session, step-by-step instructions, video tutorials and more

  • Food Lists

    items to favor or avoid, ideal meal structure, cleansing herbal remedies and more

  • Detox Cookbook

    and shopping list with practical and delicious recipes to stimulate inner detox efforts

  • Daily Lifestyle

    daily rituals to support breakdown and expelling of toxin accumulations

  • Ancient Detox Methods

    specialized ancient detox and all-natural body purification techniques

  • Professional Support

    Doctor consultations and detox coaching for an authentic, effective detox program

Powerful Detox with Impressive Results.

Experience the miraculous wonders of ancient Ayurvedic detox techniques and herbs for yourself.


Ayurvedic Detox Program Overview

What are Toxins?

  • Your body produces toxins naturally as a bi-product of your digestive and metabolic processes (metabolic waste – read more).

  • These toxins mostly generate in your guts and are spread by means of blood all over your body and mind (under the skin, in your joints, between organs, in your head and skull…) and accumulate over the days, weeks, months, and years.

  • This harmful toxic material increases body acidity and inner inflammations, clogs body channels, slows down cell and tissue performance, accelerates ageing, consumes energy, and is considered by Ayurveda as the root cause of all human discomforts and disease in the body and mind.

  • You also have external toxins, poisonous substances, chemicals and metals injected into the body, like those found in your food, water, skin and personal care products and more.

Ayurvedic Detox Overview

Detoxification is one of Ayurveda’s eight distinct specialization sciences that has been researched and perfected over thousands of years.

It is a process by which you breakdown toxin accumulations all over your body and mind and physically remove them from your body using time-tested, all-natural methods.

The process is usually composed of 3 consecutive steps:

  1. Preparation Phase: breakdown and liquefy inner body toxin accumulations and relax the mind
  2. Detox Phase: physically eject and remove toxins from the body using natural therapies
  3. Nourishment Phase: replenish cleansed tissues with natural nutrients to ensure optimum restoration

A professional detox program is composed of four main elements:

  1. Natural Therapies, Treatments and Massages (or self-massages): to physically breakdown toxin accumulations throughout the body and under the skin using certain herbs and oils that address your specific Ayurvedic mind-body type and detox needs.
  2. Detoxifying Diet: a controlled diet that includes certain ingredients and herbs that stimulate inner detoxification and are compatible with your unique mind-body type and inner cleansing needs.
  3. Detoxifying Herbs, Herbal formulations, and Drinks: based on your mind-body type and inner detox requirements to force toxins out of cells, lubricate body channels, balance inner energies, and facilitate your detox efforts.
  4. Detoxifying Environment: a clean and positive low-stress environment that allow your body and mind to relax and focus on inner purification.

100% Custom Designed Based on Your Nature: the entire detox program and the choice of therapies, herbs, and foods is dependent on your specific Ayurvedic mind-body type, current health status and symptoms, and natural inner detoxification and balancing needs – there are no off-the-shelf detox programs that fit everyone in Ayurveda.

Doctor-Prescribed and Supervised: given the medical and holistic approach to your detoxification and wellness, Ayurvedic detox programs are designed and supervised by professional and experienced Ayurveda doctors.

Professional Detox: there are dedicated Ayurvedic resorts and medical facilities to conduct professional detox programs under medical supervision and professional therapists. Click here to learn more about our detox retreats.

Your Detox Program Components

Holistic Ayurveda Doctor Diagnosis Consultation: Ayurveda doctor and detox coach determine your detox needs

Herbal Detox Kit: with detoxifying Ayurvedic herbs and accessories to use throughout the program

Cookbook: daily meal, juice, herbal remedies, and drink recipes

Daily Detox Plan: planner of meals, selfcare and detox activities

Shopping List: weekly ingredients to buy from local market

Detox Guidance: step-by-step guides and video tutorials on detox procedures

Breathwork: detox breathing plan and video tutorials

Meditation: guided meditation audio and video tutorials

Gentle Yoga: simple 30-minute daily sequence

Rejuvenation Plan: post-detox tissue nourishment plan

Professional Support: Ayurveda doctor and detox expert for your guidance

Detox Program Benefits

Removing harmful toxins from your body has magical curative and preventative benefits that will positively impact the way you look, think, and feel since toxins are the root cause of all physical, mental, and emotional discomforts and diseases.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Getting rid of virtually daily discomforts: from constipation and bloating to back and joint pain to mental irritation and mood swings to laziness and lower energy levels and depression to lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels – you name it!
  • Boosting general wellness, energy levels, immunity, and vitality
  • Weight loss
  • Promoting mental clarity, memory, and positive mood
  • Better sleep
  • Improving skin and hair health
  • Slowing down ageing process and promoting longevity
  • Nourishing skin and restoring natural luster (clean from the inside out!)
  • Curing disorders and diseases: virtually all disorders known to man
  • Better managing chronic diseases and reducing their negative implications on your everyday living

Who Should Detox?

Anyone and everyone, whether perfectly healthy or suffering minor or chronic diseases, young or old, active or lazy, busy or laid back.

Common symptoms indicating that you need a detox program:

  • Feeling general discomforts and unhappiness with your body and mind
  • Body pain, especially when waking up
  • Whitish coating on tongue in the morning
  • Lower energy levels
  • Fatigue
  • Laziness and lethargy

What's in your package

  • Doctor's pre-analysis of your submitted health form and medical reports (if any)
  • 1 x 60-Minute Holistic Ayurveda Doctor Consultation online with an Ayurveda doctor and a professional detox coach
  • 1 x Personalized Detox Plan: daily planner based on your natural detox needs (email)
  • 1 x Herbal Ayurvedic Detox Kit: package from India with all you need as prescribed by your doctor (please read our shipping policy before you order)
  • 1 x 45-minute detox coaching session online
  • 1 x Shopping List for entire program
  • 1 x Detox Cookbook with recipes, herbs, and herbal remedies
  • 1 x 30-Minute follow up consultation with your doctor and coach
  • Access to step-by-step guides and video tutorials on detox methods and selfcare practices, 30-minute gentle yoga practice, detox breathwork techniques, and guided meditations
Cleanse Your Inside and Shine from the Inside Out (Literally!)

How it Works

  • BOOK

    Order program, submit health form, and choose a convenient time slot

  • Attend

    Attend your program design consultation with your Ayurveda doctor and detox coach


    Receive your detox plan and an Ayurvedic detox kit from India


    Attend kick-off session and implement recommendations

Book your program today and embrace your nature to manage your stress, the natural way


Do you ship the detox kit to my home address?

Yes, through mail forwarding service courier companies only.

Please review our shipping policy for our international shipping details.

I don’t know which detox program to choose?

Depends on what you’re looking for.

If you want to go through an intensive program, then choose one of the below:

  • 7-Day Intensive System Reboot
  • 14-Day Liver, Colon and Gut Reset
  • 21-Day Spring/Fall Cleanse
  • 28-Day Immunity Boost

If you’re looking for a more relaxed detox, choose the 6, 8 or 12 Week Holistic Detox & Rejuvenation detox programs.

Why do I have to do an initial diagnosis consultation to start the program?

Your detox program is 100% personalized based on your natural Ayurvedic mind-body type, symptoms, and natural inner balance and healing needs.

The initial consultation allows the doctor to better understand your specific health and lifestyle situation and design a detox plan accordingly, including choice of prescribed herbs, preferred foods, daily rituals, among other recommendations.

We never prescribe the same detox program for 2 people, ever.

How much time is needed daily?

A maximum of 1 hour split between selfcare practices and cooking.

The more time you can allocate for your detox methods, the better results your program will have.

Do I need special ingredients for this program?

Your herbal package will include all Ayurvedic herbs and supplements to be used throughout your program.

Your shopping list will include common ingredients you can get from your supermarket like vegetables, grains, or oils to be used in your program.

Why are there different program durations?

Though all our detox programs approach your wellness from a holistic, all rounded perspective, some wellness aspects need varying times for a thorough detox. 

General rule of thumb: the longer the program, the more toxins you are able to breakdown and expel from your body, the more nourishment and rejuvenation you are able to provide your cells, the more benefits and results you will feel.

What are the side effects of Ayurvedic herbs?

All Ayurvedic herbs and medicines are 100% natural with side benefits rather than negative effects.

Your doctor will take into consideration your current health situation and any medications you are taking when prescribing your herbs, and will notify you of any potential side effects.

Why did the doctor prescribe selfcare activities and remedies for symptoms other than detox?

Natural healing follows holistic approach, whereby different physical, mental, and emotional problems are interconnected within the same body and mind.

This is why advancing your wellness and curing your discomforts and ailments requires approaching your holistic wellbeing altogether, not just apparent symptoms that you see.

Expect your doctor to prescribe methods to heal symptoms other than old age like stress, excess weight, constipation and other ailments.

Can I have my partner or friend follow the same detox program?


Even though both of you may have similar symptoms, each of you has a distinct natural mind-body type, inner energy imbalance structure, and natural healing needs that require different sets of detox herbs and selfcare activities.

No two people are prescribed the same Ayurvedic detox program.

Am I expected to give up everything that I like to eat and do?

Plan your detox program during a period with less exceptions, travel or social obligations. 

Natural detox includes restoring the body and mind to their inherent nature through natural everyday applications.

You cannot expect to heal naturally if you insist on continuing your unnatural ways of living that are the main cause of most your problems.